Sunday, April 22, 2007


Saturday, 6th day

I bought a new keyboard to attach to the laptop....
a lifetech quicknet keyboard: is USB, is the cheapest I found

When I got home I tested right away to check that everything is OK. Then I rearranged the keys to the new layout (except the "\ |" key: it has a odd shape due to keyboard design, which makes it impossible to transplant to any other location)

I quit running dvorak7min: lessons are long and fatigating.... and because I've found an alternative learning source:

Sunday, 7th day

I'm starting getting a speed of 14 to 29 words per minute. Still very bad... but I'm really improving, considering the small experience on this layout!

I passed a part of my day chatting and writting some commands...
The commands part still annoying: I didn't use to look to keyboard to seek the letters :S

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