Sunday, April 22, 2007


Saturday, 6th day

I bought a new keyboard to attach to the laptop....
a lifetech quicknet keyboard: is USB, is the cheapest I found

When I got home I tested right away to check that everything is OK. Then I rearranged the keys to the new layout (except the "\ |" key: it has a odd shape due to keyboard design, which makes it impossible to transplant to any other location)

I quit running dvorak7min: lessons are long and fatigating.... and because I've found an alternative learning source:

Sunday, 7th day

I'm starting getting a speed of 14 to 29 words per minute. Still very bad... but I'm really improving, considering the small experience on this layout!

I passed a part of my day chatting and writting some commands...
The commands part still annoying: I didn't use to look to keyboard to seek the letters :S

Friday, April 20, 2007

another day - the Fifth Day

I guess this should be day 5...

I had to put some floppy disk labels to *fix* the missplaced keys...They were driving me crazy!

  • I'm typing in a less erratic way... maybe like a (not much) trembling old man
  • I start getting confused when typing again in a qwerty layout
  • I never felt so hard to type the word "qwerty"

Anyway, i'm improving every day - I'm at lesson 10 of dvorak7min, getting a rate of 90+ % in every exercise

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Big change!

My new keyboard order suffered a delay... :(
Since I'm really up to learn this layout, I've decided to rearrange the keys of the work keyboard.

Unfortunatelly, as (I hope) you can see in the video, I had some problems with J and F keys.
So I had to keep those unchanged (that affected U and H too, obviously...)

Since I'm following lessons about how to type, I bareally look to the keyboard (on despite on that, I still type too damn slow...), but it helps a lot to have where to see!

PS: Of course I have an extra keyboard.... just in case ;)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A pause is needed ......

Unfortunatelly I am forced to stop training of dvorak due to work.
I leave then my first impressions.
  • Changing layout (qwerty-dvorak-qwerty) doesn't seems to affect the typing inprovment.
  • Some letters are hard to find: wsxz are "in the wrong side" of the keyboard.
  • Is important to keep in mind that the keyboard is really separated by vowels and consoants. That's easy to forget and get frustraded seeking the letters. If you keep that in mind, you'll start notice that u rarely move your left hand (you do it mostly for "shift" "," and "."
I've decided that i should get a new keyboard to train ... stickers in the laptop starts to get fuzzy pretty fast, specially if you start typing in an average speed, that happens when you change to qwerty layout all of a sudden.

The requirements of the new keyboard: must be usb type, so I can use it in the laptop, should be cheap, so it won't hurt too much if I want to swap keys order and it breaks.
I choosed a genius slimstar. I should get it tomorrow.
According to vendor it has the laptop kind of keys. I guess it should look like this one in the picture.
I'll keep posting creating logs for a future reference to me and for whoever gets interested.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

QWERTY-PT to DVORAK-US - migration log

Day 0 - Friday, April 13
Choosing the best layout. I opted for dvorak-us for standart reasons.

Day 1 - Saturday, April 14
I cut some post-it's and labeled the keyboard. Is not fancy, but it does the trick.

Is painfull to write a single word. I had to invoke qwerty at the end of the training to prevent madness and rage attacks.

I'm using dvorak7min to assimilate the layout easier, but I only can do 2 exercises in a row

Day 2 - Sunday, April 15
Today, it seems I'm somehow absorbing the layout, but sometimes the fingers start typing as the qwerty layout.
It's easier (less difficult) to write. I started typing this log today.
I type like a little child, is embarassing .....

Friday, April 13, 2007

dvorak or qwerty...

Today I have re-readed some stuff about dvorak keyboards.. maybe is time to start/play around..
I've been delayed this for years now .. but I guess now I'd like to really try it :D
so here we go...
english layout:

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Do penguins fly??

They look fat... but the truth is...