Wednesday, December 19, 2007

"the wakening".. simple ...wanna make the puzzle? ... I hope not

some text missing.............. will it ever appear?

"Chaos is inherent in all compounded things.
Strive on with diligence."


Slightly above the thin "0-meter-above-the-water" line

Possession feeling
The winter comes and his possessive personality is hard to handle..
We only can wait for spring and hope (hopelessly...) that the harm had been bareable...
The rise of the phoenix

A bird in Egyptian mythology lived in the desert for 500 years and then consumed itself by fire, later to rise renewed from its ashes. The Phoenix is a male bird that is a sacred symbol in Egyptian religion. The Phoenix symbolizes/represents a person or thing of unsurpassed excellence or beauty, death, resurrection, immortality, life-after-death, and the sun, “which dies each night and rises again each morning, kind of like the phoenix when it dies, it will always comes back.”

extracted from:

Back from the Wasteland

I'm been holding my silence due to a sequence of events that guided me to a state of mind that cohibes me of sharing anything ... blue state lol!
recently.. I can say .. I might had recover a bit :D so .... let's make an appointment, shall we?

since August I'm considering to create a new company ... meanwhile ... I haven't got spare (mental) time to keep my blog up to date.... and a "dark self" seems to had emerged somehow... (some people notice that ... in a way or in another... but most were kept safe from my this shadowed state of mind)

keeping busy...
I bought my self a Rubik cube.. in middle august.. I learned to solve it (thanks, youtube ;) It was a good thing .. to give your mind a brand new problem to solve.. althought it is a old invention)

I started creating a program to write and maintain blogs (with the look and feel of ms-outlook, that offer you a easier way to post and configure). The goal here was to get acquainted with C++/wxwidgets .. the project remains frozen.. :(

Sunday hike (4 november)
Me and some friends had gathered with the purpous of take some good pictures and to enjoy a different day, for a change...
Destiny: Monsanto, Idanha-a-nova
* more pics from Monsanto here

Fair well!
misery .... I lost my cell phone :( I'm suddenly felt somehow disconnected from the world... no cell, no camera, no news,..... fortunately I had a backup of my contacts.. (I still have with me a bunch of A4 papers whith "everyone contacts").
I'm using "the old one" now.. Is a good phone, but ..... .... whatever...

now ... in less than a week for xmas... I'm counting on posting one or two posts in a short period :D

Sunday, October 28, 2007

My laptop

I see people saying acer 4000 is old, slow ... well ... I can't complain .... :D

running quite well :D

Thursday, September 06, 2007




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Sunday, September 02, 2007

Exploring google maps

I'm just testing the cool stuff possible using google maps embedded :D
I'm still learning..... This is a trip I've made a few weeks ago:

View Larger Map

Saturday, September 01, 2007

new website found!

This is about a comic strip site :D enjoy!!!

Image had been stolen from

You can find more at

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Company names and offers :D


I've been looking around the company names.. I've found out that all the fruit names are chosen
peach,apple, banana, manga, maracuja, maçã (apple), pera (pear), tuttifrutti, onion, cebola (onion).

at cebola site, I've find out a cool movie... that is almost a job offer.. If you're interested...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

O meu primeiro post em português!
Este texto foi retirado daqui. Achei curioso ver a origem de alguns dos nomes mais soantes no mercado mundial:

Quinta, 1 de setembro de 2005, 18h20
Conheça a história por trás do nome das empresas

Um dia, estando já com três meses de atraso para criar um nome para sua empresa, um certo dirigente entrou no escritório e determinou: se até às 17h ninguém propuser uma idéia melhor, a companhia terá o nome da minha fruta preferida. Parece que ninguém se apresentou... E esta é a história para o nome da Apple Computers. O dirigente, claro, era Steve Jobs. Como a Apple, outras empresas de tecnologia têm histórias divertidas, inusitadas ou até bastante simples, como a escolha particular de um dos donos, para explicar seus nomes. Com base nas informações do, confira aqui algumas delas:

O nome da Adobe veio do rio Adobe Creek, que corria nos fundos da casa do fundador da empresa John Warnock. Outro nome de origem singela é o da Sun Microsystems: fundada por quatro colegas da universidade de Stanford, Sun é um acrônimo para Stanford University Network", ou rede da universidade de Stanford.

Já o Yahoo tem uma historinha, ou melhor, duas versões: a palavra yahoo foi inventada por Jonathan Swift, que a usou em seu livro Viagens de Gulliver. Representa uma pessoa que tem aparência e atitudes repulsivas, e os fundadores do Yahoo, Jerry Yang e David Filo, selecionaram o nome por se considerarem exemplos de yahoos. A outra versão diz que a palavra é um acrônimo para Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle, mas Filo e Yang insistem que gostaram do nome porque lhes agradou a definição geral de um yahoo: rude, não sofisticado.

O nome Microsoft foi cunhado por Bill Gates (e por quem mais?) para representar a companhia dedicada a programas de computador (microcomputer software, em inglês). Pegando uma partícula de cada uma das palavras, o nome originalmente era escrito com um hífen (Micro-Soft), que foi removido mais tarde.

E a Xerox? A raiz grega xer significa seco. O criador, Chestor Carlson, deu ao seu produto o nome Xerox porque eram cópias "secas", marcadamente diferentes do sistema que na época prevalecia. Já o nome Lotus surgiu dos interesses orientais de seu criador. Mitch Kapor era professor de Meditação Transcendental, seguindo a escola de Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, e deu à companhia o nome de uma posição da Yoga, a padmasana, ou posição do lótus.

Outros nomes surgiram da origem de seus criadores, como a Apache. Nada a ver com os índios norte-americanos. A Apache tem esse nome porque seus fundadores começaram a trabalhar aplicando patches em códigos escrito para o NCSA (National Center for Supercomputing Applications. Apache, então, veio de "A PAtCHy' server". A SAP tem origem parecida: foi formada por quatro ex-funcionários da IBM, que trabalhavam no grupo de sistemas, aplicações e projetos (Systems, Applications and Projects), ou SAP.

E também há nomes que remontam a acontecimentos passados na vida de quem o escolheu, como a da Red Hat. Marc Ewing, quando estava na escola, ganhou o boné de capitão do time de lacrosse da universidade de Cornell do seu avô. Ewing perdeu o boné, que tinha listras vermelhas e brancas, e procurou por ele desesperadamente. E pelo jeito carregou a frustração da perda: o manual da versão beta do Red Hat Linux trazia um apelo aos leitores para que, se alguém achasse seu boné vermelho (Red Hat), ele fosse devolvido.

O nome Oracle surgiu porque Larry Ellison e Bob Oats trabalhavam como consultores num projeto da CIA. O codinome do projeto era Oracle (oráculo), porque a CIA o via como o sistema que daria respostas a todas as perguntas. O projeto nomeou a companhia fundada por eles.

Redação Terra

Monday, July 09, 2007

Greetings from Netherlands

New knowledge achieved!!

A friend of mine has just pass a few days at Netherlands holly soil, and get very enthusiastic about their rituals and culture.

I must add that I had learned some cool stuff throught his latest experiences.

I just learned what's a shisha
(image extracted from:

Everyone had already seen one somewhere... even in fairy tale books like "The Book of One Thousand and One Nights"
It's a way of smoking but far less unpleasent, since the smoke is cooled in water before get into yout lungs,
*for the record: I'm anti tabagist and I can barelly stand tobacco smoke, I start cofing desperally.

I tried to get a shisha video, but in the middle of movies maybe related with gas and fun I found this one:

(If you're really interested in shisha videos, you'll find A LOT in youtube)
Link for youtube results for the word shisha

This Looks like a serious problem that requires an open mind from your colleages! :S Can't imagine that at a Portugal

I came out with this post after talking with my friend when we're making our minds about organizing a cultural event within a few weeks.

Enjoy this ilustrating movie.. (the simpsons.. They're always suitable for all ages)

Does it look like fun? huh? :D weeeee

Friday, July 06, 2007

Transformers, the movie!

At last I did watched the whole movie :D

I was ansious about this movie!!! Yes, it worth it!

Is really a shame about megatron's voice..

You'll understand what I mean with this fantastic review!
Title: Transformers (2007) Movie Trailer Preview Review,
From: moviepreviewcritic (youtube user)

Maybe I'll go watch again soon! .... :-)

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Transformers, the movie is coming! I hardly can wait :D
This is .. just a funny commercial

Monday, May 07, 2007


Something I've just find out :D

BTW, I'm with dvorak now... I tried to move back to qwerty, but in despite I didn't loose type speed and I can type in both qwerty ol dvorak, qwerty seems very stupid (I barely need to stretch *all* my fingers in dvorak)
sometimes I have problems with *(){} ... Is normal.. I'm used to portuguese keyboard after all.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Saturday, 6th day

I bought a new keyboard to attach to the laptop....
a lifetech quicknet keyboard: is USB, is the cheapest I found

When I got home I tested right away to check that everything is OK. Then I rearranged the keys to the new layout (except the "\ |" key: it has a odd shape due to keyboard design, which makes it impossible to transplant to any other location)

I quit running dvorak7min: lessons are long and fatigating.... and because I've found an alternative learning source:

Sunday, 7th day

I'm starting getting a speed of 14 to 29 words per minute. Still very bad... but I'm really improving, considering the small experience on this layout!

I passed a part of my day chatting and writting some commands...
The commands part still annoying: I didn't use to look to keyboard to seek the letters :S

Friday, April 20, 2007

another day - the Fifth Day

I guess this should be day 5...

I had to put some floppy disk labels to *fix* the missplaced keys...They were driving me crazy!

  • I'm typing in a less erratic way... maybe like a (not much) trembling old man
  • I start getting confused when typing again in a qwerty layout
  • I never felt so hard to type the word "qwerty"

Anyway, i'm improving every day - I'm at lesson 10 of dvorak7min, getting a rate of 90+ % in every exercise

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Big change!

My new keyboard order suffered a delay... :(
Since I'm really up to learn this layout, I've decided to rearrange the keys of the work keyboard.

Unfortunatelly, as (I hope) you can see in the video, I had some problems with J and F keys.
So I had to keep those unchanged (that affected U and H too, obviously...)

Since I'm following lessons about how to type, I bareally look to the keyboard (on despite on that, I still type too damn slow...), but it helps a lot to have where to see!

PS: Of course I have an extra keyboard.... just in case ;)

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

A pause is needed ......

Unfortunatelly I am forced to stop training of dvorak due to work.
I leave then my first impressions.
  • Changing layout (qwerty-dvorak-qwerty) doesn't seems to affect the typing inprovment.
  • Some letters are hard to find: wsxz are "in the wrong side" of the keyboard.
  • Is important to keep in mind that the keyboard is really separated by vowels and consoants. That's easy to forget and get frustraded seeking the letters. If you keep that in mind, you'll start notice that u rarely move your left hand (you do it mostly for "shift" "," and "."
I've decided that i should get a new keyboard to train ... stickers in the laptop starts to get fuzzy pretty fast, specially if you start typing in an average speed, that happens when you change to qwerty layout all of a sudden.

The requirements of the new keyboard: must be usb type, so I can use it in the laptop, should be cheap, so it won't hurt too much if I want to swap keys order and it breaks.
I choosed a genius slimstar. I should get it tomorrow.
According to vendor it has the laptop kind of keys. I guess it should look like this one in the picture.
I'll keep posting creating logs for a future reference to me and for whoever gets interested.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

QWERTY-PT to DVORAK-US - migration log

Day 0 - Friday, April 13
Choosing the best layout. I opted for dvorak-us for standart reasons.

Day 1 - Saturday, April 14
I cut some post-it's and labeled the keyboard. Is not fancy, but it does the trick.

Is painfull to write a single word. I had to invoke qwerty at the end of the training to prevent madness and rage attacks.

I'm using dvorak7min to assimilate the layout easier, but I only can do 2 exercises in a row

Day 2 - Sunday, April 15
Today, it seems I'm somehow absorbing the layout, but sometimes the fingers start typing as the qwerty layout.
It's easier (less difficult) to write. I started typing this log today.
I type like a little child, is embarassing .....

Friday, April 13, 2007

dvorak or qwerty...

Today I have re-readed some stuff about dvorak keyboards.. maybe is time to start/play around..
I've been delayed this for years now .. but I guess now I'd like to really try it :D
so here we go...
english layout:

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Do penguins fly??

They look fat... but the truth is...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Ten Commandments for Egoless Programming

Just receive it... and just had to share it :D

1. Understand and accept that you will make mistakes.

The point is to find them early, before they make it into production. Fortunately, except for the few of us developing rocket guidance software at JPL, mistakes are rarely fatal in our industry, so we can, and should, learn, laugh, and move on.

2. You are not your code.

Remember that the entire point of a review is to find problems, and problems will be found. Don't take it personally when one is uncovered.

3. No matter how much "karate" you know, someone else will always know more.
Such an individual can teach you some new moves if you ask. Seek and accept input from others, especially when you think it's not needed.

4. Don't rewrite code without consultation.

There's a fine line between "fixing code" and "rewriting code." Know the difference, and pursue stylistic changes within the framework of a code review, not as a lone enforcer.

5. Treat people who know less than you with respect, deference, and patience.
Nontechnical people who deal with developers on a regular basis almost universally hold the opinion that we are prima donnas at best and crybabies at worst. Don't reinforce this stereotype with anger and impatience.

6. The only constant in the world is change.

Be open to it and accept it with a smile. Look at each change to your requirements, platform, or tool as a new challenge, not as some serious inconvenience to be fought.

7. The only true authority stems from knowledge, not from position.
Knowledge engenders authority, and authority engenders respect -- so if you want respect in an egoless environment, cultivate knowledge.

8. Fight for what you believe, but gracefully accept defeat.

Understand that sometimes your ideas will be overruled. Even if you do turn out to be right, don't take revenge or say, "I told you so" more than a few times at most, and don't make your dearly departed idea a martyr or rallying cry.

9. Don't be "the guy in the room."
Don't be the guy coding in the dark office emerging only to buy cola. The guy in the room is out of touch, out of sight, and out of control and has no place in an open, collaborative environment.

10. Critique code instead of people

Be kind to the coder, not to the code. As much as possible, make all of your comments positive and oriented to improving the code. Relate comments to local standards, program specs, increased performance, etc.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Open-ssi cluster

I did this a few months ago, but since i got bluetooth working on my computer, now i'm able to share this little something with you :D

Pick a debian sarge, add some cool stuff to sources.list and dist-upgrade it.
Let it cook until everything is settled.
At the end prepare a initrd image with flavours of all the network cards used.
Reboot and it's ready to serve

enjoy :D

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

New Portuguese Magazine "Revista Linux"

So, finally the lack of portuguese Linux magazines is now end.
"Revista Linux" has born:

Is very promissing :D let's (contribute and) wait... :D

The latest release is


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Creating a debian stable repository (Step 2)

Now that we have space for the new repository, is time to create it.
For that, I use the reprepro tool because it allow me to create new repositories for "out of the box" specific packages.

To set reprepro you'll need to prepare a directory. I created a "repository" directory, and all the repositorys will be below that.
Since I only use this once, before this time I generated a new dir "apt" below repository, so I can manage multiple configuration.

cd to the place where to generate, and create a directory named conf/ and create a file named "distributions" and fill it like this:
Origin: Debian
Label: Debian
Suite: stable
Version: 3.1r4
Codename: sarge
Architectures: i386
Components: main contrib non-free
Description: Debian 3.1r4 Released 28 October 2006
Update: sarge
For this step I only describe how to mirror a known repository, but is possible to gerante your own repository (I'll talk about that later).
Having a mirror is particulary usefull for times there's no stable internet or just is not possible to everyone to access the internet at the same time to install packages.

This tool is very flexible, so you can manage different repositorys by the input of a new entry. So have in mind that
  • Multiple entries are separated with an empty line.
  • The codename is used to determine the directory to create.
The Update line is described later. If SignWith is there, it will try to sign it. (Either use "yes" or give something gpg can use to identify the key you want to use).
The other fields are copied into the appropriate Release files generated.

So... I don't want only the sarge repository.. i'd like a etch as well! so my conf/distribution looks like this (and only the i386 part, as you can see).
Origin: Debian
Label: Debian
Suite: stable
Version: 3.1r4
Codename: sarge
Architectures: i386
Components: main contrib non-free
Description: Debian 3.1r4 Released 28 October 2006
Update: sarge

Origin: Debian
Label: Debian
Suite: testing
Codename: etch
Architectures: i386
Components: main contrib non-free
Description: Debian Testing distribution - Not Released
update: etch
Now, that I've defined what I want, I must set the update part.
Each configuration will search its updates in the destinations set at conf/updates. Mine looks just like this:
Name: sarge
Architectures: i386
IgnoreRelease: yes

Name: etch
Architectures: i386
IgnoreRelease: yes
Now, it's all set. reprepro command must be runned at the path before of conf/
after a ls you should see this
# ls
conf db dists lists pool
To update everything possible do:
reprepro -Vb . update
To only update some distributions do:
reprepro -Vb . update sarge
Note:You can use the VerifyRelease field also, which can be retrieved using
gpg --with-colons --list-keys
I wasn't able to manage with this command, so I just ignore it.

Monday, March 05, 2007

New aquisition

Finally I post something

Today I'm glad to announce that I have purchased another gadget :D

Pretty cool :D It's canon 3000v
I hope it will borrow even more joy in my life (I hope it didn't sound gay)